How Do I Reset my GrillEye Pro Plus?


Last Update hace 3 meses

Bring your smartphone in close proximity to GrillEye and keep them close throughout the process. If you have multiple access points, move close to the place that you would normally bbq or grill.

Then follow the steps below:

  • Open the GrillEye Pro app > Settings and scroll to the bottom
  • Select "Restore data to original" and then
    • Reset network
    • Reset everything
  • Press the trash bin icon on the top right corner and close the app.


Additional steps for Android users

  • On your Android OS, go to Settings > Storage > Navigate to Other apps
  • Tap on the "GrillEye Pro" app
  • Tap on "Clear Cache"


  • Update your OS, if needed
  • Reboot your phone
  • Power on your GrillEye Pro Plus and once boots, press and hold the power button for more than 10 seconds. Upon releasing the button, Pro Plus will reset into factory settings.
  • Open the GrillEye Pro app and follow the on-screen instructions to connect to your Pro Plus

Things to keep in mind:

  • Pro Plus requires a 2.4GHz WiFi network
  • If you are not on the latest Pro Plus firmware (001.131) you may have issues with password length (not more than 8 chars) and special characters.
  • When completing a grilling or a smoking session, you should always remove the preset from your probe

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